Historic Bluefields

County Conservationists See Ideas Coming True

After an encouraging first-year beginning, Davidson county soil Conservation Districe officials are planning an expanded program which, they hope, will "pay-off" in better farming methods and increased incomes.

The Davidson County Soil Conservation District was organized during the winter of 1945-46 under the leadership of Oscar Farris, County Agent, and vocational agricultural teachers in the county.

A work plan intended to be in full operation in about five years was set in operation last spring and results show an encouraging amount of progress. For example, a total of some 1,322 acres was planned in crop rotation and some 266 acres wee completed.

Other results:

Practices Planned Estab.
Cover Crops 887 A. 887 A.
Contour Farming 1,262 A. 221 A.
Proper Stocking 27 A. 0 A.
Terracing 127 M. 22 M.
Water Disposal Areas 7 A. 3 A.
Sericea 59 A. 4 A.
Alfalfa & Per. Grasses 721 A. 84 A.
Pasture Improvement 1,243 A. 184 A.
Farm Ponds 18 A. 13 A.
Wildlife Areas 1 A. 0 A.

A. -- Acres.  M. -- Miles.

The organization, operated on a no-profit, no-salary basis, has also become interested in Kentucky Fescue and J. P. Willoughby, of Old Hickory, has planted 50 pounds which will result in 100 pounds of seed to go this spring to interested farmers in Davidson County....

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