As you drive thru Bluefield Avenue from the moment you come off Lebanon Road and are hit by the wonderful spring time yellow daffodils that flank our entrance wall all the way thru to Donelson Pike the common area gardens combined with the recent road upgrade have really added a touch of class to our neighborhood.
Read more: Thank You JVI Secret Gardens!Bluefields Spotlight
Out to the Suburbs
Although there had been "additions" to the city, Davidson County's development had followed the traditional pattern of villages at the crossroads — a store, a church, a schoolhouse, a post office.
Read more: Out to the SuburbsCommon Areas At Bluefields
One of the most attractve and charming characteristics of Bluefields is the common areas found throughtout the neighborhood. Common areas are spaces usually at street corners that currently have small gardens that are maintained by neighbors.
In 2014 the Smart Growth Committee commenced the revitalization of common areas on Bluefield Avenue which combined with a road repavement have grealy improved the experience of driving thru our neighborhood and setting the tone of a well maintained and cared for neighborhood. The Smart Growth Team pictured in action above!
Read more: Common Areas At BluefieldsDonelson Railway Station
One of the newest and most exciting gateway areas to Donelson is the Donelson Train Station which has seen significant ridership growth in the last 4 years ranging from 15% to 45% annual increases. Located in the center of Donelson Village and connecting with buses to various destinations such as Opryland and the Airport, it is easy to envision a tremendous transit hub growing right before our very eyes. This is truly a 21st century gateway location!
So with this many people travelling thru Donelson Station daily (riders from Nashville, Hermitage, Mt. Juliet, Martha, Lebanon and their guests) what do people see when they enter the Donelson Station Area? When we enter Donelson on Lebanon Road or off Briley Parkway in an autombile we see some great landscaping combined with prominent signage letting folks now they are driving into a special place called Donelson.
What do people see and think when they travel thru Donelson Station?
- Is Donelson Station inviting?
- Is it well maintained and neat?
- It is safe for me and my family?
- Can I walk to Donelson Plaza?
- What other shops are near the Station?
- Can I catch a bus to Opryland or the Airport?
- Garbage and trash and graffiti on the Bridge?
AND How do Donelson residents see, access and utilize this train station?
- Can I walk to catch the Music Star?
- Is there a safe place to keep my bike?
- Is it safe at night to walk Home?
- Do I have quick access to Donelson Station?
- How many trains will travel this line in the future?
- What are the most effective sound & visual barriers
- What kind of materials do the frieight trains carry (hazardous)?
- Is that a park attached to the Station?
- How important are surrounding trees for visual and sound barriers?
- Who manages the train station and surrounding area?
- Who would be stakeholder organizations for the train station?