FOR SALE -- 1 Brownell Stoker (Dayton, Ohio). Complete electrical controls, day and night thermostats. $60. Harding Place, 8-9877.
EXCELLENT -- 600-Egg Electric Incubator. $75. L. E. Stephens, Hermitage. Phone Donelson 161-W.
STOVE BARGAIN -- Gilbertson "Clean Flame" kerosene stove. Economical. Used 3 months. $45. Call 69-R.
FOR SALE -- 200 lb. sow, 4 shoats 40 to 60 pounds. Call 472-R.
FOR RENT -- Month-to-month basis. Unfurnished 5 rooms, bath, camp house on Stone's River. Call 472-R.
FOR SALE -- '36 Harley-Davidson motorcycle 74, good shape, $225. 2 1/2 horse-power Briggs & Stratton motor, $25. Phone 183.
WANTED -- Good high chair. Phone 282-R.
January 1947
Attend Police School
Wayne Hargis, S. T. DeLong, George Greer and A. O. Radford, all of Donelson, are among the Deputy Sheriffs who have been attending the F.B.I. conducted training school in the Court House.
Enrollment at U-T Shows 100% Increase
The University of Tennessee's winter quarter enrollment continued the post-war trend of a 100 per cent increase over pre-war records, despite attempts to limit new registrations because of overcrowded classrooms and inadequate living accommodations. Incomplete figures from the Knoxville, Memphis and Martin branches show a total enrollment of approximately 8,700, more than twice the pre-war winter quarter high of 4,261 registered in 1941. Enrollment at Knoxville was around 7,000; Memphis, 900 to 1,000; Martin 680.
Donelson Theatre
Telephone 33
"The Strange Love of Martha Ivers"
Half-Mile Range Spotlight
A sealed beam spotlight, recently developed for automotive and marine use, boasts a half-mile range with a glareless ray four times more powerful than a sealed beam headlamp.